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Codes Complaint Form

Complaint Information

The purpose of the Office of Code Enforcement is to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the public by requiring that new construction and existing structures comply with all Borough of Steelton, PA Ordinances, Resolutions, Regulations, and Statues and those of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and if such structures or premises do not comply, the structure or premises shall be required to be altered or repaired to provide the minimum level of health and safety as required by the adopted ordinance/code.

The Borough of Steelton, PA has adopted and enforces numerous codes such as the Property Maintenance Code, the Zoning Code, the Rental Inspection I Licenses Code, the Solid Waste Code, the Streets and Sidewalks Code, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Construction Code Act/Uniform Construction Code, to name a few which regulates the minimum standards of construction and maintenance for new and existing buildings (interior and exterior property areas). The responsibility for maintenance and upkeep generally falls on the owners of the property and in some cases the operators and occupants of the property.

If you feel that a violation exists, please fill out a Complaint Form so that the Office of Code Enforcement can investigate the alleged complaint. If a violation exists, enforcement actions such as a warning, quick ticket, notice of violation, citation, etc. will be issued to the property owner requiring them to correct the violation.

Procedures for filing a Complaint

  1. Please complete the applicable fields of the form in its entirety.
  2. Be sure to include your name, address and phone number.
  3. Be sure to include the Location of the Property in question.
  4. Be sure to include an explanation or list of concerns. Please be specific.
  5. Be sure to indicate on the form by circling yes or no, whether or not Borough personnel may enter your property to observe the alleged violation and whether or not you consider being a witness in court.
  6. If your complaint is in regards to an issue with rental housing/tenant issues, you must complete ALL information on form.

A Written Form is Required in Order to File a Complaint

Why a written form? It is not accurate or efficient for Borough personnel to properly convey your specific concerns to the Code Official regarding another person’s property. Things reported over the phone can be misinterpreted or misconstrued and or items could unintentionally be left out from the complaint. It is important that the complainant convey his/her specific concerns in his/her own words on the Complaint Form. The form creates a record that the complaint was officially filed and establishes the potential investigations initial information.

Why is my contact information required?

Contact information is required should the Code Official need additional information, need to follow up with the complainant, and to check for status updates in certain circumstances where violations are not visible from public areas etc. A form is considered incomplete if it does not contain all of the information required. The complaint form should not be abused by residents otherwise involved in disputes with neighbors as a way of retaliation. All complaints shall be legitimate code related complaints. Falsification of information or incomplete complaint forms may be rejected.

All complaint forms remain anonymous to the general public. It is possible in certain situations your testimony may be required in court; however, that circumstance is rare and only requested when absolutely necessary.